sleepless loneliness

i was in a moment,where i'm alone
and i started to think about everyone i know
everyone i like,everyone i love.
somehow sadness, will be invited to your brain.

and started to think, "where is everybody? i'm alone here"
but then there are two things in my mind.
find them or hate them not to find me

i must say, i'm the most selfish person.
i hate the "hate feeling".
but i can't help it that i was falling in hate.
hate of being selfish. hate of being hating everyone
when i'm alone

well if you guys started to hate me, just tell me immediately
so i'll be glad that you don't hate me on my back.

loneliness kills
loneliness cures
loneliness is a villain
loneliness is a hero

hate is a feeling
love is a feeling
you falling in love
or you falling in hate


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