welcome trumpet section!

today is really big WOW! to me, especially for my band l'alphalpha, like the title said... yeah we meet one of our trumpet section.. and it is our very first rehearsal with the trumpet. the trumpet section should be three players. the other two is unavailable today. but still we are very happy to have a trumpet section. we wanted to have this section for a long time. there's an eclipse today but i don't really care. we care about this section... yep.. the trumpet player who came today is Cella. She's still in high school at tarakanita, playing the trumpet section for tarakanita's marching band.
discussing the composition!


so today we try to arrange the composition of the trumpet section for the song shlm kvrm. it's quite complicated because we can't really write the composition note. so we sing it to explain the note to cella. we have to repeat it over and over until we have the very close compostion. first the time i heard the sound of the trumpet to our song... i was really thrilled, we all stopped at the same time and we all look at cella while she was holding her trumpet and confused... and than we just shout very happy. maybe this is what's in our mind "YEAH!!!.. THIS IS WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR!"... yep... and than we continue the practice,, and getting better,, and better,, yeah it's better.. so we decide to record one part of this song with the composition for practice and for a guide.. ah.. we look forward to the other two players...come on.. we want to see you guys... and we're going to have fun...

oh yeah this is l'alphalpha's next gig be there.. and hope we can bring our trumpet section...!!


  1. eh rald gw jg bisa main terompet lho!
    ha ha ha gw link yak

  2. waahahaha ada fotonya gini..
    gw ga sadar deh


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